Dr. Kamal Badie Al-Noukari
Urology Specialist
Trusted Urology Specialist in Abu Dhabi with 20+ years of experience
Meet Your Doctor, Dr. Kamal
Dr. Kamal Badie Al-Noukari is a highly skilled and experienced Urology Specialist with a passion for providing the best medical care to his patients.
He is one of the founders of Max Care Medical Center in Rabdan, Abu Dhabi and has been serving the local community for many years now.
With his extensive knowledge and expertise in his field, he has established a reputation for providing exceptional medical care and compassion to his patients. He is dedicated to providing the highest quality of medical care and is committed to ensuring that his patients receive the best possible outcome.
About Dr. Kamal Badie Al-Noukari
Dr. Kamal finished his Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Damascus University in Syria and got his Certificate of Specialty in Urology since 1998 and Syrian Board in Kidney Transplant.
- Specialist in Urology since 1998
- Syrian Board in Kidney Transplant
- Specialist Urology from Saudi Counsel for Health and Specialists since 2002
- Specialist Urology, Dubai Health Authority (DHA) – United Arab Emirates
- Specialist Urology, Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) – United Arab Emirates
- Syrian Society of Urologist
- Syrian Society of Kidney Transplant
- Arabic
- German
- English
After spending more than 2 decades as a Urology Specialist in Syria and in Saudi Arabia, Dr. Kamal took his experience and expertise to the United Arab Emirates in 2016 to serve the local community in Abu Dhabi.
Urology Services
Diagnosis and management of:
- Kidney and urinary tract disease
- Genitourinary diseases in male
- Congenital genitourinary malformations
- Nocturnal enuresis in children and stress incontinence in women
- Impotence and erectile dysfunction in male
- Subfertility and infertility in male
- Kidney and urinary tract tumors:
- Benign and malignant prostate hypertrophy
- Bladder tumors
- Testicular tumors
Diagnostic and treatment procedures:
- Ultrasound of kidney and genitourinary tract
- Intravenous urography
- Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG)
- Uroflowmetry study
- Suprapubic vesicostomy
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Flexible and rigid Cystourethroscopy
- Retrograde ureterography
- Ureteral catheter installation
- Bladder biopsy
- Guided prostatic needle biopsy
- Local penile injection with color Doppler
- Lithotripsy
- Circumcision
Scope of Practice
- Open Surgery (Kidney, Ureter, Bladder, Prostate & Male Genitalia
- Medical & Surgical Management of diseases affecting the Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders, including installation of stents (Penile Protheses – to treat the end stage of Erectile Dysfunction) and Infertility
- Urinary Endoscopy procedure by rigid and flexible scope
- Treatment of Urinary System Stones by Laser Endoscopy, Shock Waves (ESWL), and surgical
- Surgical Treatment for Congenital Malformation in Children
- Providing care for the patients post-Kidney Transplant, children, and adults
- Urinary System Ultrasound including scrotal doppler as a part of the evaluation of the erectile dysfunction
- Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of male infertility
Call for a Consultation now with Dr. Kamal Al Noukari
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Kamal
If you’re looking for one of the top Urology Specialist in Abu Dhabi who can help with your medical needs, look no further than Dr. Kamal Badie Al-Noukari.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
You can book an appointment by calling 025555097 or by emailing appointments@maxhealthcare.ae.
We look forward to seeing you in Max Care Medical Center in Rabdan area, Abu Dhabi.